Saturday, July 09, 2005

The Very Best Gift of All and Together All God's People

If you look here you can see the Christmas play that Laura and I have most recently published. So recently, in fact, that we haven't even received our copies yet. The Very Best Gift of All is the sixth Christmas play for children that we have published and there are two more waiting at Faith Alive to see the light of day. We don't know if they'll both come out next year or if they'll do them one at a time. We've really enjoyed our association with Faith Alive. They've been great about publishing many of our plays and asking us to write curriculum and other assorted things for them. This particular play had a different title - it was called The Gift of Grace, a title which I still prefer.

This will be the first time in eight years that Laura and I do not plan to write a new play for our church to perform for it's Christmas program. We are writing a short one-act play for the Banner to publish that is designed to be done at home with familes but no full-out play this year. we will recycle a program for the first time in over a decade.

Speaking of Faith Alive, I received in the mail yesterday a copy of Together All God's People which reflects some of the material which a team, of which I was thrilled to be a member, presented at a series of conferences on intergenrational worship. We travelled far and wide together and had a great time encouraging the church to think more intergenerationally. I'm please that a resource book came out of this. Thanks to Karen Wilk for putting it together!

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