Saturday, April 08, 2006

Manger King - a Christmas play for children

The Christmas plays just keep on coming.  Our seventh play, Manger King, was published this week by Faith Alive Resources.  (It wasn’t that long ago that our sixth play was published.)  The amazing thing is that we were asked to give them plans or pictures for the manger that turns into a throne that one of our church friends made for us so, two weeks ago we took some pictures and, low and behold, those pictures showed up in the play two weeks later!  I didn’t expect that.  I thought they would draw plans or something but I guess they liked the pictures.

They’ve also taken to changing our titles lately a lot more – the play we turned in was called Manger Throne.  I think I still liked that title better but that’s the nature of such things.

We have one more play in the hopper for next year and we’re actually writing one now as part of a summer church school curriculum so we might publish that one separately too.  We’ll probably use it first and then rewrite it specifically for Christmas use based on how it goes.  Anyway, for now, Manger King is out so pick up your copy at Faith Alive.

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